General Conference October 2023

In the Path of Their Duty by Elder David A. Bednar (full talk)

You who today are pressing forward in the path of your duty are the strength of the Savior’s restored Church.

My Thoughts: Elder Bednar describes those who will be exalted in the celestial kingdom and receive eternal life.

The Sealing Power By Elder D. Todd Christofferson (full talk)

The sealing power makes individual salvation and family exaltation universally available to the children of God.

My Thoughts: Elder Christofferson explains that Moses brought the keys of gathering Israel, Elias brought the keys to the Gospel of Abraham. We gather Israel by preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Those who are baptized begin the journey on the covenant path that leads to the temple where they receive the same covenants and are promised the same blessings that were given to Abraham and Sarah. Elijah brought the keys that make the covenants and ordinances of the Priesthood binding both on earth and in heaven, binding the generations together. The earth would be wasted if the norm becomes that people remain single or enter into connections that are not marriage between a man and a woman and the associated family as God has appointed and therefore ultimately do not enter into an eternal marriage and family relationship that leads to exaltation in the celestial kingdom which is the purpose of the earth's creation.

President Dallin H. Oaks: Kingdoms of Glory (full talk)

We have a loving Heavenly Father who will see that we receive every blessing and every advantage that our own desires and choices allow.

Elder Neil L. Andersen: Tithing: Opening the Windows of Heaven (full talk)

Note: Elder Anderson related several stories about the blessings of paying tithing, both in the talk and in the footnotes

Elder Gary E. Stevenson: Promptings of the Spirit (full talk)

The constant companionship of the Holy Ghost is one of the greatest spiritual gifts Latter-day Saints enjoy.

Put on the bathroom mirror: "I am a child of God! He knows me! He loves me! I am gifted—with a constant companion and friend: the Holy Ghost!”

Elder Ronald A. Rasband: How Great Will Be Your Joy (full talk)

I now invite you to take your know-how, coupled with your time-honored testimonies, and go on a mission.

Elder Ulisses Soares: Brothers and Sisters in Christ (full talk)

May we enjoy more the spiritual kinship that exists between us and value the different attributes and varied gifts we all have.

President M. Russell Ballard: Praise to the Man (full talk)

How abundantly blessed we are to know all that we know because we have Joseph Smith, the prophet of this last dispensation of time.

Elder Quentin L. Cook: Be Peaceable Followers of Christ (full talk)

I testify that “peaceable followers of Christ” will find personal peace in this life and a glorious heavenly reunion.

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf: The Prodigal and the Road That Leads Home (full talk)

Though choices may have taken you far from the Savior and His Church, the Master Healer stands at the road that leads home, welcoming you.

President Henry B. Eyring: Our Constant Companion (full talk)

You and I have the opportunity to have the Holy Ghost as our constant companion.

Elder Dale G. Renlund: Jesus Christ Is the Treasure (full talk)

Focus on Jesus Christ. He is our Savior and Redeemer, the “mark” to whom we should look, and our greatest treasure.

Elder Gerrit W. Gong: Love Is Spoken Here (full talk)

May we each learn to speak and hear His love here, in our hearts and homes, and in our gospel callings, activities, ministering, and service.

President Russell M. Nelson: Think Celestial! (full talk)

Your choices will determine where you will live throughout eternity, the kind of body with which you will be resurrected, and those with whom you will live forever.

: (full talk)